This is...
This is a little llama or alpaca toy,
A modest toy sitting on a modest plastic white table,
A poster sits in the back on this modest table.
All at a Spanish cultural event.
This is...
This is a well liked toy.
Better yet this is a well liked memory.
At least well liked by one girl.
One girl who didn't even want to go in the first place.
Didn't want to go with her mom, for her mom.
But ended up having a good time.
And finding something that she loved.
If you asked her now how she feels,
How she feels about that night,
I'm sure she would say that she is glad she went.
Glad she went and did something with her mom that night.
Glad she went even with the pouring rain and the modest set up due to a low budget.
She would be glad she went.
What an adorable reminder of a special night. I am a big fan of llamas and alpacas and would love to have a few (real ones!) of each!