Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Halloween Spirits


   As I looked at the Jack-o-Lantern, it seemed to be looking back at me. Then… I heard cracking and snapping as these long wood-like vines grew out of the Jack-o-Lantern. I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that this Jack-o-Lantern now had arms and legs and its eyes were slightly glowing or the fact that it was coming to life and coming after me. And since it had long legs it was coming after me at great speed. 

   As I ran for my life, I thought to myself, ‘what did I do to set it off to want to come after me?’ but more importantly I thought ‘how on earth do you outrun a Jack-o-Lantern, and where should I go?’ I never thought that I would have to ask myself this. 

   I just barely turned my head to see how far behind me he was. Not very far. But what was even more startling was the fangs. His nicely carve square pumpkin teeth were apparently not enough so he had to turn them into a full set of fangs. I was like ‘really?!’ 
   Our town library was only a few feet away. I dashed between it and this other small building. I didn’t hear anything so I think I lost him. But probably only for a minute or two. I went in through a window that doesn’t lock well. I ran to the back where the shelves of books were packed in fairly tight. I went down one aisle, slid down and sat.  As I tried to catch my breath I hoped that I had lost him for good. But, I think I was wrong.

    I heard someone, or something, something like an evil Jack-o-Lantern that came to life. It was coming closer. I knew it was in the back of the library with me. My heart started pounding and I felt like I had never caught my breath and that I never would again. I looked down the aisle one way and then the next, then in front of me. What I saw next was pretty frightening. He was looking through the bookshelf straight at me. Glowing eyes and mouth full of fangs. And with his viney hand he motioned for me to come to him as he said "Come here, come now or I will get you." I passed out after that. 
   The next thing I know is I woke up in this hospital bed, being told that I would be OK. I then asked how I got there and why I was there and my mom told me that I was found passed out in the backyard of our house. I told her that that couldn’t be because I had been chased to the library, she just told me to go back to sleep and that I had just dreamed. I knew that it was no dream.


The black bat brought a spooky wind as it flew over me,
As it flew over me as I lit the candle for the Jack-o-Lantern that I had carved out of a pumpkin.
Out of the pumpkin the face of a witch.
A pumpkin once orange now painted green.
The night with its chilly wind had a scary feeling.
A scary feeling that I did not like. 
I went to the candy bowl to find something to help ease my nerves.

Three Sentence Story:

I was putting my Halloween costume on when I heard something moving in my closet... It seemed to be laughing. I live alone.



  1. I like the technique in the second piece of using words from the previous line to begin the next.

  2. The part about the snapping and cracking totally has me thinking of rice crispy treats.. yum. The way you describe the pumpin-monster was great, I could really picture it in my mind. And then she woke up in her backyard.. what even?!? How the heck did that happen?! That was totally trippy, and I did not see it coming.
