Friday, October 3, 2014

Story and Haiku

He was so tired. He didn’t know a person could be so tired. He unlocked the door to his tiny apartment and went inside. He was so tired he didn’t even turn on any lights. He just went straight to his bed and laid down. As soon as his head hit his pillow which had a striped pillowcase on it he fell asleep.
 He had been working two jobs for as long as he could remember. And recently he had to take a double shift at his late night job. His parents had died a few years ago and weren’t able to leave him much money. The money they did leave was just enough to get a cheap apartment above a bowling alley and not much else. They never had that much money. His dad was a teacher, which didn’t pay very well and his mom worked at a hair salon. They weren’t able to ever put him through college so he just lived with them working at a not very good job because he couldn’t get anything better because he didn’t have a college education. He didn’t really mind that much. He loved his parents and they loved him.


It was way too dark,
I didn't care for darkness,
The way it depresses.

1 comment:

  1. This made me think about a book I'm reading right now...It's a fictional account of what might have been if Anne Frank's sister had lived through the Holocaust. She mentions other Jewish survivors living in Philadelphia being so lonely and alone in a city full of people and how exhausting that loneliness (and fear) can be.
